
21 products

281,00 kr

More stock on the way - Expected March 2025

The Moopsy is one of the cuddliest creatures in the Galaxy but watch out — this little ball of cuteness is an alien murderer that will drink your bones.

Moopsy is a fan-favourite alien from Star Trek: Lower Decks. It looks friendly but it can move at lightning-fast speeds and, once it sinks its fangs into its prey, it can drink its bones in seconds.

When it escaped from Narj's Miraculous Menagerarium it killed Narj and two Pyrithian swamp gobblers before Ransom and Mariner lured it back into it's cage. Handle with care!

Size: 10 inches x 5.5 inches (25 cm x 14 cm)

703,00 kr

Note, This Is A Pre-Order. The first release has now sold out and will be shipping from February. More are on the way, and if you order now they are due to arrive in May.

In moments of stress or contemplation, Captain Picard asked the replicator to produce a hot cup of Earl Grey tea. The replicator, knowing exactly what he wanted, produced the tea in an elegant glass cup.

The Star Trek: The Next Generation art department wanted the cup to look both futuristic and timeless. It had to be at home in the 24th century, but it also had to be instantly recognizable. Rather than creating their own tea cup from scratch, they looked for the best examples of modern, twentieth century design.

They settled on a glass tea cup made by European homewares company, Bodum.

The instantly recognizable BISTRO cup became so closely associated with Star Trek, that fans informally refer to it as “The Picard Cup”. It went on to appear in Star Trek: Voyager: Star Trek: Picard.

Volume/Size: 0.2 l – 6.7 fl oz.

155,00 kr

Drink like a Starfleet officer with these exclusive mugs straight from the 25th century.

These brushed steel mugs would look right at home in Starfleet. Each one features the logo of a different division: Starfleet Academy in San Francisco, where generations of Starfleet officers have been trained; the Galaxy Class Starship Design Project, which was responsible for designing and building the U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-701-D; and Starfleet Headquarters itself.

The mugs were designed and created by Eaglemoss and are limited edition; exclusively available through

The mugs are 500ml / 17oz.

281,00 kr

There's nothing better to cuddle up to than this plush version of Star Trek: Lower Decks Badgey. Sure, he's a psychopath who wants to kill us all, but rendered in plush, he couldn't be cuter or cuddlier.

Badgey was originally a training hologram, who was created by Rutherford. Unfortunately, he was made using unstable AI and, after some holodeck malfunctions, he gained sentience and set out to kill his creator. Despite having his neck broken and his memory wiped, he kept coming back before eventually evolving into a digital god and heading off to create his own universe.

Badgey is the second in Master Replicas Lower Decks plush series and joins Moopsy, which is back in stock after a sell-out first run.

Order now to get the first edition, which comes with a limited-edition Badgey card.

Size: 10 inches x 5.5 inches (25 cm x 14 cm).

155,00 kr

Drink like a Starfleet officer with these exclusive mugs straight from the 25th century.

These brushed steel mugs would look right at home in Starfleet. Each one features the logo of a different division: Starfleet Academy in San Francisco, where generations of Starfleet officers have been trained; the Galaxy Class Starship Design Project, which was responsible for designing and building the U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-701-D; and Starfleet Headquarters itself.

The mugs were designed and created by Eaglemoss and are limited edition; exclusively available through

The mugs are 500ml / 17oz.

Eaglemoss made replicas of the dedication plaques found on the bridge of Starfleet ships. This plaque is for Captain Archer's ship - the Enterprise NX-01, and features the ship's motto 'to boldly go where no man has gone before.'

The Eaglemoss plaques are designed to be displayed on a wall or on a shelf, and measure approximately 10.25 inches (26 cm) across.

The bridge of every Starship has a dedication plaque that records where it was built and when it entered service, and lists its class, registry and motto.

Eaglemoss produced a series of plaque replicas, designed to be hung on a wall or displayed on a shelf.

This plaque replicates that of the Crossfield-class U.S.S. Discovery and features the motto "All things can be understood once they are discovered; the point is to discover them."

The plaque measures approximately 9 inches (22 cm) across.

Eaglemoss Hero Collector Star Trek: The Next Generation Chibi Pin Badge Gift Set.

Introducing the Star Trek: The Next GenerationChibi Pin Badge Box set - a chibi-patterned box set: a collection of seven high-quality metal pin badges, depicting the main cast of Star Trek: The Next Generation.

The box set includes Captain Jean-Luc Picard, William T. Riker, Mr. Worf, Commander Data, Beverley Crusher, Geordi LaForge and Deanna Troi.


This set of pin badges by artist Karen Hallion was created to celebrate the women of Star Trek and features Lt. Uhura, Counselor Troi, Major Kira, Captain Janeway and Michael Burnham.

The badge set was part of a line of products featuring the Women of Star Trek that Eaglemoss was planning to launch.

The U.S.S. Shenzhou was commanded by Captain Philippa Georgiou. The dedication plaque on the bridge revealed that it was a Walker-class ship that was constructed at the San Francisco Shipyards. The plaque also reveals that its motto was "All existing things are really one."

The Eaglemoss replica plaque is 8.66 inches (22 cm) long by 6.3 inches (16 cm) tall, and is designed for wall or shelf display.

This Star Trek Discovery pin badge set features two pins: the red Kaplan F17 speed freighter La Sirena and the ship's insignia: a mermaid cresting a wave.

The U.S.S. Franklin's dedication plaque could be seen on the bridge of the historic ship. The Eaglemoss replica, for wall or shelf display, reveals that the prop used in the movie describes the ship as 'Starship class' and had the motto 'To Boldly Go Where No Man Has Gone Before'.

The Eaglemoss replica is just under 9 inches (22.5 cm) across.

Climb the ranks of Starfleet and explore strange new worlds in Star Trek: Cryptic, A Puzzles and Pathways Adventure, a puzzle-filled, action-packed 'escape room' game.

Using your PADD as your guide, you'll decipher subspace transmissions, discover alien civilizations, and prevent planetary disaster with logic, deduction, and creative thinking. Prepare to boldly go where no one has gone before!

Players: 1-4
Playing time: 60-90 minutes

This fantastic box set features 10 of the most important Daleks ever, from the first Dalek the Doctor encountered on Skaro, to the modern bronze Daleks. This terrifying set also includes pone of the original Daleks created by Davros, an Imperial guard, three different Supreme Daleks, and a special weapons Dalek.

The Parliament Box Set includes:

The Last Dalek ('Dalek')

New Paradigm Supreme Dalek ('Asylum of the Daleks')

Skaro City Dalek ('The Mutants')

Gold Dalek ('Day of the Daleks')

Genesis Dalek ('Genesis of the Daleks')

Supreme Dalek ('Planet of the Daleks')

Special Weapons Dalek ('Remembrance of the Daleks')

Supreme Dalek ('Remembrance of the Daleks')

Necros Dalek ('Revelation of the Daleks')

Black Dalek ('The Dalek Invasion of Earth')

Each Dalek measures approx 8 cm tall and is carefully cast in metallic resin produced in 1:21 scale and then hand-painted for incredible detail.

562,00 kr

This box set features the first four Doctors to appear after Doctor Who was rebooted in 2005 from Christopher Eccleston to Peter Capaldi. Each is hown in a classic pose. Look out for similar sets that feature the earlier Doctors. Each figurine is approximately 10 cm tall.
Get ready for the return of Doctor Who! As well as producing figurines, Eaglemoss produced a line of Doctor Who homewares. This tin contains four reusable cookie cutters, each shaped like an adorable version of a classic time lord, and a high quality tea towel. It comes with a perfect recipe so you can make the cookies. The whole thing can  be kept in the tin.
Get ready for the return of Doctor Who! As well as producing figurines, Eaglemoss produced a line of Doctor Who homewares. This tin contains four reusable cookie cutters, each shaped like an adorable version of a classic monster, and a high quality tea towel. It comes with a perfect recipe so you can make the cookies. The whole thing can be kept in the tin.
Add some Gallifreyan style to your outfit with this set of seven collectable Doctor Who: Flux Pin Badges. Jodie Whittaker’s Thirteenth Doctor is joined by long-time companion Yaz and Liverpudlian Dan as well as the canine soldier Karvanista, observation officer Vinder and two insidious villains from the Doctor’s ancient past – Azure and Swarm, the Ravagers!
These adorable metal Doctor Who Pin Badges capture some of the greatest characters in Doctor Who’s history in a fun chibi style. The set comes in a special presentation box.
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