Doctor Who
A Time Lord, best friend
The Doctor‚ robotic dog K9 is easily one of the series most popular companions. ¬†Eaglemoss developed but never released a 1:4.5 scale version of K9. The figurine, which stands 16.5 cm tall, shows the Mark I version of K9, which made its debut in The Invisible Enemy and proved so popular that he ended up travelling with Tom Baker‚ the Fourth Doctor for the next four years. He was nearly given his own spin off with Sarah-Jane. He even returned in 2006 to help the Tenth Doctor fight the Krillitane.
The statue is in scale with Eaglemoss's other mega statues, and is perfect to be displayed alongside the Fourth and the Fifteenth Doctors. It was sculpted digitally before being cast in a high quality resin and painted by hand.
The statue stands approximately 32 cm tall.
The Dalek gunships appeared in 'The Time of the Doctor' when we saw them mounting a devastating attack on Gallifrey during the Time War. They were flying weapons platforms that carried a squad of Daleks. The Eaglemoss model is 14 cm tall and comes with mini Daleks.
The Weeping Angels are some of the most terrifying creatures who ever appeared on Doctor Who. If you stop looking at them - even blink for a second - they will throw you back in time, changing your life forever. This is one of Eaglemoss's mega statues, it comes with swappable heads so you can choose an angelic or and angry statue. It stands an impressive 12.2" (31 cm) tall.
The Valeyard was a malevolent version of the Doctor who was pulled out of time. He claimed to be created from somewhere between the Doctor's Twelfth and Thirteenth regenerations. He led the prosecution of the Sixth Doctor in the Trial of a Time Lord, hoping to take the Doctor's remaining regenerations for himself. The figurine is 9.6 cm tall. 
This is an oversized special issue.
Figures in this collectable series are frozen in a 'Moment in Time' pose which is detailed on the collectors box.
This figure marks the start of an exciting new era with the regenerated Doctor sporting her high-waisted culottes, rainbow-striped dark blue tee shirt, and a long grey and blue coat.
Fully BBC licensed and approved merchandise.Scale 1:21, approx 90mm tall.